The benefits of straightening your teeth with our dentist in Acton


There are many advantages to straightening your teeth. Firstly a neatly aligned smile is attractive to look at and helps to boost your self-confidence and self-esteem. More importantly a crooked or wonky smile can cause dental health issues and it can affect your overall health at the same time. If your teeth are overlapping or overcrowded then this can create pockets for bacteria to grow and this can have systemic health issues. Over time, if left untreated, plaque and tartar can grow in your mouth and cause cavities, tooth decay and gum disease. This can lead to life-threatening systemic conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. To help prevent this or diminish the chances of such problems you can speak to our dentist in Acton and find out about straightening your teeth.

Teeth straightening can be carried out at any stage of life, however, the earlier you address the misalignment issues of your teeth with our dentist the less chance of complications in the future. Straight teeth are easier to clean. Overlapping teeth or rotated teeth are a lot more difficult to clean because the bristles of your toothbrush or your floss are unable to reach in between the teeth and, as mentioned, pockets of bacteria can grow in these areas. This bacteria can enter the bloodstream and have detrimental effects on your health. Teeth straightening can boost overall health as well as your self-confidence and it will help you achieve a beautiful smile.


If you want to find out more about straightening your teeth with our dentist in Acton then you need to ask about Invisalign. Here at Wisdom Dental, Invisalign is the most popular method of teeth straightening and it is used by patients across the world, having helped more than 13 million patients already. Invisalign works using clear BPA-free plastic aligners which are digitally designed and manufactured for an accurate fit and excellent aesthetic results. A three-dimensional scan of your mouth is manipulated to show how Invisalign can change the alignment of your teeth. The software will then calculate the movements and create a sequence of aligners which are manufactured using a 3D printer and will be delivered within two or three weeks. You are then ready to begin the procedure.

Invisalign aligners

You can visit our dentist in Acton for your initial fitting where you may be given small attachments that are placed on the surface of your teeth to allow the aligners to grip your teeth more tenaciously. Each of the aligners is designed to be worn for two weeks, and kept in the mouth for at least 20 to 22 hours of the day. In this time the aligner will move your teeth by approximately 0.25 mm after which it will cease to work and you will have to move on to the next aligner in the series. Within a few months you will see a noticeable difference  in the alignment of your teeth and the procedure should be completed within 6 to 12 months depending on your dental requirements and the extent of movement necessary to help you achieve the smile that you are looking for.

Speak to our dentist at Wisdom Dental today and find out more about Invisalign and the advantages of straightening your teeth.