How your dentist in Acton can help to treat gingivitis?


Gingivitis is a milder form of gum disease that can be characterised by red and inflamed gums that occasionally tend to bleed. Gingivitis typically affects the gingiva which is the section of your gum that is located at the base of your teeth. It is highly essential that you seek treatment from your dentist in Acton if you display any signs of gingivitis as it can quickly progress into periodontitis which is a severe form of gum disease, if left untreated.

What causes gingivitis?

The main and most common cause of gingivitis is a lack of good oral hygiene, making it an entirely preventable oral disease. When you neglect your teeth by not brushing them thoroughly or flossing them after a meal, you give way to harmful bacteria to harbour in your mouth and attack the gums. Additionally, not keeping up to date with regular visits to your dentist in Acton can lead to gingivitis as your teeth are unable to undergo thorough cleans which can help eradicate any food residues that a normal toothbrush cannot get rid of. Furthermore, your dentist in Acton can identify any early signs of gingivitis which you may have missed and treat the signs straight away to prevent them from progressing. It is important to note that by taking on good oral hygiene techniques can also reverse gingivitis, however if it progresses to periodontitis it becomes more difficult to reverse the effects and requires professional treatment.

What are the symptoms of gingivitis?

It is important that you are able to distinguish between healthy gums and gums that are affected by gingivitis so that you can identify when to contact your dentist and book an appointment. Healthy gums are pale pink in colour, usually feel firm to touch and fit tightly around your teeth; however when your gums are affected by gingivitis you may notice some significant physical changes. Common signs and symptoms of gingivitis include gums that are swollen and puffy due to the body’s inflammatory response to the infection. They may also appear dark red in colour and bleed easily especially when you brush your teeth. A common sign of gingivitis is that your gums begin to recede and form little black pockets between your teeth. In its more advanced stages, your gums may also begin to feel slightly loose around your teeth, signifying you require urgent dental treatment.

How is gingivitis treated?

Fortunately, it is fairly easy to prevent developing gingivitis, and if you are already suffering with it, it is also quite simple to treat it. At Wisdom Dental, we highly encourage that you maintain good oral hygiene as this is the best way to avoid developing not only gingivitis but also a wide number of other dental issues. We recommend that you brush your teeth twice a day using a fluoride toothpaste for at least two minutes. It is also important that you floss your teeth after a meal to remove small particles of food from the crevices of your teeth. In addition to this, it is essential that you visit your dentist habitually to ensure that your teeth are thoroughly checked for any dental issues that could be present by a professional. Nevertheless, we highly encourage that you do not delay visiting the dentist as it is more difficult to treat gingivitis when it progresses to periodontitis.