Do you ask questions when visiting the dentist?


It is par for the course for your dentist in Acton to ask you questions at every dental appointment, but did you know that you are also welcome to ask questions about your oral health? Of course, it is easier for you to ask questions when seeing a dentist in Acton if you have an open and trusting dentist-patient relationship. This is why we at Wisdom Dental believe that it is fundamentally important to choose the right dentist in Acton for your dental care.

A dentist who is committed to building long-standing relationships with their patients and supports a patient-centred approach to dental care that includes a strong focus on patient education is more likely to have patience, listening and strong communication skills, as well as a friendly chairside manner to encourage patients to ask questions.

Every dental appointment is a valuable opportunity to learn more about your oral health and how to protect it. This is important because all dentists know that overall health and wellbeing is closely tied to good dental health.

Information may be easily accessible in this digital-driven world, but not all information and advice that is available on the internet is completely reliable or accurate. The only reliable source for dental information remains your dentist. You receive trustworthy advice that pertains to your individual oral health situation.

Questions you should be asking your dentist

Am I cleaning my teeth properly?

It is not enough to just brush twice a day and floss at least once a day. No, you have to make sure you are brushing and flossing correctly so that your teeth and gums are being cleaned properly.

Our dentist can tell if you are not flossing or are brushing too hard. Using more force than is necessary or using a toothbrush with coarse bristles can harm tooth health. Patients may be surprised to hear that their gums are receding even though they brush daily. This is because brushing teeth too hard does cause gum recession and eventual tooth loss.

What dental diseases am I at risk for?

Certain dental diseases like gum disease have wider implications for your physical and mental health so it is a good idea to know your profile risk for it. A dentist can spot tell-tale signs in a dental examination of your mouth and can talk you through preventive measures to avoid the progression of gum problems. This is an important question to ask because disease-causing oral bacteria can play a role in triggering serious medical conditions that affect the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

What is a pro-dental diet?

You may be well familiar with the types of foods and beverages that cause tooth decay, but did you know that there are also foods that help protect teeth and gums? Yes, there are certain foods that help keep teeth and gums healthy like dairy. Milk, cheese and yoghurt contain vital vitamins and minerals that strengthen tooth enamel. Consuming cheese is also useful to reduce acidity in the mouth. We also advise on eating more crunchy fruit and veg like apples and carrots to keep teeth plaque-free.

At Wisdom Dental, we pride ourselves on offering a higher level of quality dental care and a positive patient experience. Make your dental health a priority by scheduling an appointment with our friendly dentist today.